Debt Collection Bromley

debt collectors bromley

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Contact Athena Collections for Debt Collection in Bromley

Debt Collection Services Bromley call Athena Collections on 0203 865 9319 or use our simple online contact form. Our experienced Debt Recovery Team can assist you with any Bromley Commercial Debt issues, so please do not hesitate to contact our team on 0203 865 9319.

Our Business Debt Collectors Services in Bromley

debt recovery companyDebt recovery may not be high up on the list of things to do of a busy company. Because unpaid debt can have a potential knock-on effect to cash flow it is important to address the issue, however, most companies lack the time and personnel to proactively follow up on late payers. This is exactly why our company was established; by providing you with our debt recovery services we essentially become an extension of your business, saving you valuable personnel time and money.

We also appreciate that it is of paramount importance for every business to maintain favourable client relations and therefore we utilise professional debt recovery methods that are aimed at resolving matters swiftly and amicably in order to maintain your good standing with your clients.

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If you have accounts that have remained unpaid for a considerable period of time, our debt recovery services can seamlessly accelerate payment from reluctant payers. By incorporating continuity and utilising the benefit of our extensive experience into your debt collection process, your cash flow problems will soon disappear.

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debt collection agencies bromley

We will tailor our debt recovery packages to meet your needs. In fact, we will give you the options and let you select the best method of pursuing your debtors.

Our professional team of debt collectors can take charge of your accounts receivable fully or partly, or we can operate on a one-off project basis. Together, we can identify which part and at what stage you would like us to outsource the accounts receivable procedure. Our low commission rates are only charged on monies recovered and the success rate will depend on what stage each individual account is handed over to us. In fact, the sooner you pass over the account to us, the higher the collection rate would be. Hence, the commissions would be lower. It is simple as that.

The pre-legal debt recovery services are developed to increase debt collections without the need to take legal action in any form; therefore, not having to instruct lawyers who will charge a fee by the hour.

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Although our proactive approach to debt recovery usually achieves the desired results, we always aim to be open and transparent about our intentions but unfortunately, no matter what they say, this does not always happen. Most of the time, a debtor will not pay you for many reasons – such as not receiving the invoice, cash flow issues, insolvency issues, debt disputes, and various other situations.

debt recovery agency bromleyWe will establish the reason right at the outset and report back to you, allowing you to make an informed decision on how to proceed.

There are various options available to you at this point. We will explain the advantages and disadvantages of each one so that you will have absolute clarity regarding the process that lies ahead.

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Alternatively, you can provide us with parameters within which to work and we will endeavour to recover the outstanding debt for you.
debt collection services

The Difficulties Of Being An Entrepreneur

As a business person, you will be facing numerous issues and obstacles. The goals for your business and your personal life need to be reassessed often. However hard the challenges are, you should not lose sight of your targets. You’ll find roadblocks that every business must deal with, and some aren’t even the fault of the business owner, but they must be overcome just the same in order to have a successful business. It is essential that you compare your progress with your goals so you can keep on moving forward.

One of the biggest difficulties that numerous companies face is the lack of money to manage them. Although it does not take very much money to manage a business online, it does require some money. You can look for a partner or investor if you would like to start your business but lack the funds. It is crucial that you have a good two-year business plan you can given to the lender or the investors.

If you have your own family, it is vital that you have the ability to take care of your business while being able to manage your family at the same time. You will need some time and effort for your business to start developing but while doing so, you shouldn’t forget about your family responsibilities. You must have a family that realizes that you might need to spend some extra time at work, but you have to realize that your family needs your time as well. Nevertheless, if you lose your family, it does not matter how profitable your business gets. It takes a little work to be able to balance both of your duties.

Before you even start up the enterprise, you must know how long you’re willing to give it to work, not only in time, but also money. If you have the desire but you have concerns due to your age or lack of business experience, you should find ways to get over them. You must have a strong knowing that your business will be successful within the time period that you’ve set yourself.

Running a business isn’t easy, and you have to remember that, especially when it comes to the amount of energy it takes, along with time and money. You have to realize that it takes a lot of focus to make family and business work, and you may have to sacrifice some of the things you want to do. Your business will do well if you have very clear targets, and driven to be successful plus you have the total support of your family.